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What To Expect From An Initial Consultation With A Lawyer


What To Expect From An Initial Consultation With A Lawyer


Personal Injury from motor vehicle accident

When most people are injured in car accidents. the last thing they think they will have to do is sue the driver who hit them. However, many clients find that the injuries they sustain cause real repercussions in their lives, physically, emotionally, and financially. They come to the conclusion that pursuing a lawsuit makes sense under these circumstances. 

Insurance companies, both your own and the other driver’s, will often communicate with you immediately following the accident and prior to the time that you have obtained a lawyer. This can be confusing and may be used against you in the future, especially if the other drivers insurance company is doing most of the communicating. Having a lawyer to help you with the insurance adjustors can be a great relief in an overwhelming situation, like dealing with a devastating car accident.

When you first contact and set up a consultation with a personal injury lawyer, there will be certain items that they may want to review and discuss with you to help them build your case. Some of these things may include:

  1. Accident reports – Many accident reports can be obtained online from the issuing agency.
  2. Correspondence from all insurance companies – You should not give any statements to the other drivers insurance company. They will only seek to use this against you.
  3. Your insurance policy or declaration page – This will show your lawyer exactly what kind of insurance coverage you have. You may be able to use medical payments from your own insurance company, if the coverage is available, to pay for some of your medical bills. This will also allow the lawyer to see whether, and to what extent, you have Uninsured Motorist Coverage, which protects you if the other driver is uninsured or underinsured.
  4. The other driver’s insurance information – If you have not received any correspondence or contact from the other driver’s insurance adjustor, whatever insurance information you have regarding the other driver will be needed for your lawyer. This information is usually provided in the accident report or through information exchanged at the scene.
  5. Any medical records or bills that you have to date – It will be important for the attorney to assess your current medical situation.
  6. Any photographs of the accident scene – This includes damage to your car or any other bodily injuries that you sustained during the accident.
  7. Loss of earning information – If you can collect this information, it will be very vital to your case. This information along with medical bills will be an important part of your case going forward.

If you’ve found yourself in an unfortunate car accident, taking the proper legal precautions to protect yourself and your family is of the utmost importance. Many people choose to pursue legal representation after an accident for many different reasons. The repercussions may be too great or you may simply feel more comfortable going through the following proceedings with insurance companies with a lawyer by your side. Choosing to have a lawyer help you through the confusion after a car accident alleviates many unwanted headaches and frustrating phone calls. If you decide that you are interested in representation, Rognlien Law Firm can provide the support you need during the devastating time after a car accident. Rognlien Law Firm has fought and won many personal injury cases and can represent you as well. For more information please contact us at (310)546-9700 or fill out the contact form on our Contact page.

About the Author:

Carrie J. Rognlien has been a trial lawyer for 30 years and is committed to pursuing justice for her clients. During her career, Ms. Rognlien has handled a variety of civil trial matters in both federal and state court on behalf of injured or wronged plaintiffs.

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